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#FinPlan notes
How to Close the Cash Gap
The cash gap is a painful and dangerous situation that usually forces founders to make hasty, inefficient and expensive decisions to deal with debt. Let's talk about how to close it.
Payment Calendar: About the Tool and How It Can Help You
Let’s take a closer look at different financial planning periods, talk about what a payment calendar is and see how to create one.
How Does ABC Analysis Help with Strategy Optimization?
How do you figure out which products are the most important? One of the ways to do it is ABC analysis. Let's find our how to conduct it.
8 Reasons to Implement Management Accounting Right Now
How can you grow without efficient analysis, thought-through strategy, and, let’s say, a detailed p&l statement? All of that is covered by Management Accounting.
Accounting & Management Accounting: 6 Key Differences
Let's take a look at 6 key differences between financial and managerial accounting.
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